Jan-Michael Vincent-搜索结果

  • 飞狼 第一季 Airwolf Season 1

    类型:动作片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Donald P. Bellisario   编剧:

    主演:Jan-Michael Vincent, Alex Cord, Ernest Borgnine

      飞狼虚构的角色霍克(史特林费洛8231霍克Stringfellow Hawke),身分是飞狼原始试飞员之一,受雇于“某公司”(The Firm,实际上是负责制造飞狼的中情局分处),任务是将飞狼从它的原始设计者,莫飞(查尔斯8231亨利8231莫菲特)博士(Dr Charles Henry Moffett),手中偷回来。因为博士打算把飞狼卖给利比亚。然而成功夺回飞狼的霍克(史特林),却不打算把飞机还给中情局,而是以交出飞狼为条件要求山姆大叔(Uncle Sam,美国的昵称),让“某公司”去寻找他失踪的兄长霍辛金(Saint John)的下落。辛金是在参与越南作战时失踪(MIA)的。系列电视系列剧中也描写到美国政府一直亟于找出霍克(史特林),因为他老是用他藏在内华达沙漠“天神谷”中的新玩具耍得他们团团转。最终大天使与霍克(史特林)之间的交涉终于成立,CI...

  • 终结英雄 Alienator

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Fred Olen Ray   编剧:Paul Garson

    主演:Jan-Michael Vincent, John Phillip Law, Ross Hagen

      Kol is an evil guy about to be executed on a distant spaceship. He manages to escape on a shuttle and make his way to some woods in America. The commander of the spaceship decides to send out The Alienator to execute Kol at all costs. Kol meets up with some teens and Ward Armstrong and together they all try not to get killed by the pursuing Woman of Death - The Alienator.

  • 黑洞拦截 Xtro II: The Second Encounter

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Harry Bromley Davenport   编剧:Edward Kovach, John A. Curtis, Robert Smith (II)

    主演:Paul Koslo, Jan-Michael Vincent, Tara Buckman

      Scientists at a secret underground complex have found a way to travel to another dimension. Three dimension-travellers are the first to go through the gate - but are soon attacked by something that interrupts the communication with Earth. This horrible something uses the gate to travel back to the underground complex. Most of the staff are evacuated, except four heavily-armed m...

  • 小街的毁灭 Damnation Alley

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Jack Smight   编剧:Roger Zelazny, Alan Sharp

    主演:Jan-Michael Vincent, George Peppard, Dominique Sanda

      A small group of survivors at a military installation who survived World War 3 attempt to drive across the desolate wasteland ...

  • 绝命激情夜 Indecent Behavior


    导演:Lawrence Lanoff   编剧:Rosalind Robinson

    主演:Shannon Tweed, Jan-Michael Vincent

      Rebecca Mathis is a sex therapist. One of her patients is found dead. At first it is presumed he died of a heart attack, but it was murder. The detective investigating the murder falls for Rebecca... is he now in danger ?